by Stefano Scalia
Follow your passion! Running makes me cry. Exhaustion makes me cry. Come to think of it, a lot of things make me cry…. I’m an emotional sort. I’ve been known to sob mid-Crossfit workout and wail over Facebook videos of elephants reuniting or Johnson &...
by Stefano Scalia
Foot pain, an issue that crops up! At some point in most people’s lives, Foot pain will be an issue that crops up. Sometimes we can pinpoint exactly what caused it, but other times it seems to just appear out of nowhere. There are as many treatments for pain in the...
by Stefano Scalia
Ankle sprains in cutting sports I was inspired to write this post by something I overheard recently. I spent my weekend playing in a local frisbee tournament and saw my fair share of ankle rolls and ankle sprains. I overheard somebody giving the advice of wearing high...
by Stefano Scalia
Rocktape and Pregnancy, your BFF in the third trimester! The third trimester of any pregnancy is often filled with excitement and preparation for the birth and the baby. It is also a common time for a woman to feel the effects of her ever-growing baby on her body....
by Stefano Scalia
Why I use Rocktape in my practice As an RMT in Ontario, in my practice, we are trained and licensed to assess and treat muscle and joint dysfunction and imbalances and pain. In my practice my clients come to me with many different ailments and conditions, they range...