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Meet the Fittest Master Female on Earth: Mary Beth Litsheim

Please tell us a bit about yourself: Where are you from? What do you do when you’re not CrossFitting?

I live inGrand Junction, Colorado. What do I do when I am not CrossFitting? Play with I my 4 grandchildren, Talk to my 4 adult children, parents, and brothers who live here also. I am a middle school PE Teacher. I also coach at alocal CrossFit gym.

What’s your athletic background? When did you get into CrossFit?

I have been doing sports of some sort since I was old enough to chase my brothers! In my 30’s, I was a personal trainer at a global gym. Sarah, a former two man volleyball partner of mine, asked me to write up a weight lifting program for her, so I did. 15 years later she told me she discovered CrossFit and that I had to try it! So I did, I was 49 years young then. I fell in love with CF.

How did you feel going into Regionals? and the Games?

I felt great about going into both, Regionals and the Games.

What’s your favorite lift/movement/WOD? Your most hated?

I love CrossFit. I love every movement, because it provides the opportunity for mastery.

How did you train for the Games? Do you diet?

My coach,Nick Fowler and the team of coaches atBrute Strength did all my programming. Intensity was the key! I do not diet, but I do eat very clean nutritionally. Lots of veggies, some fruit, lean meat, good fats, and good complex carbohydrates. I endeavor to eat fats, carbs, and protein every time I eat. Fighting gravity at this age takes a clean diet

What do you think is the most underrated form of rehab for CrossFitters?

I don’t know. I think mobility (pre and post workout) is my most important piece to having longevity in my CrossFit sport.

What do you think is the most common mistakes CF athletes make while training?

I cannot speak for them, but for me, it is overtraining.

When did you feel most confident at this year’s Games? …the least confident?

I can’t say that I did not feel confident at any point, because my focus is about doing the work, not worrying about the outcome. I always do my best, so how can I give room for wasting energy on worry.

What other sports do you participate in?

I love two man volleyball.

How do you see CrossFit evolving in the future?

Let’s face it,Dave Castro is a genius about evolving the sport of CrossFit. I have no idea.

Let’s talk RockTape–tell us about your favorite CrossFit gear.

I use everything: knee sleeves–I absolutely love the new Assassins—, shin guards, RockSauce, RockRub, my gloves, bands, and the two most important, RockTape and my roller from RockTape. Plus, I tape my students up at school. It is wonderful.

What do you tape yourself for the most?

Well, before shoulder surgery in 2014, I only taped shoulder.RockTape is what got me through the 2014 Games and win! I had torn my bicep tendon, labrum and two rotators, but with RockTape, I pushed through. After surgery, I wore it also, to speed healing. Plus, a great physical therapist, Britt at Soar, and chiropractor, Dr. Bryce Christianson, and acupuncturist, Dr. Adam Trager. Currently, I have been taping my hands, wrists, and Achilles.

What are your guilty pleasures?

Dark chocolate.

KillCliff or FitAid?

I love both.

Who would you say has been your fiercest competitor(s) at Regionals and at the Games this year?

Truthfully, every single lady who makes the Games can knock you down a placement or more. I see them each equally as fierce competitors.


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