This week we have a special interview with RockTape medical director, Dr. Steve Capobianco. Dr. Capo and I dive into the research behind their new soft tissue tools: RockBlades. Don’t miss this interview episode with one of chiropractic’s innovators.
Click here to learn more about RockBlades
This piece was highlighted as a Monthly Research Brief for the members of The Evidence Based Chiropractor. Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals?Click here now.
Hands-on physical therapy options are the only therapy which will benefit the pain we all experience from life and living.
There are no “one size fits all” approaches to treating our patients. Our approach is to simply find the real problem, fix it with real treatments and give our patients the final solution so that they will have the tools to keep the pain fixed. With all tha being said, still would be interesting seeing more data on this.