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ROCKTAPE Adds New Triathlon-Specific Product to Active-RecoveryTM Tape Series - RockTape

(October 5, 2009 — Los Gatos, CA) ROCKTAPE, the leader in kinesiology tape
for athletes, has added two new Triathlon-specific products to their series of
Active-Recovery tape.

ROCKTAPE’s Active-Recovery (AR) series of tapes are designed to enhance
performance and recovery, and engineered to meet the demands of endurance
athletes like runners, swimmers and cyclists. Unlike regular compression
garments and tapes, ROCKTAPE’s AR series can be used both to apply
compression to promote recovery, or decompression to relieve discomfort* and swelling.

The newest addition to the ROCKTAPE AR series is Instant Message tape, or IM
TapeTM, which comes in two colors – IM Yellow and IM White. Both tapes are
‘message ready’. Using any black permanent marker, athletes can write race age
or numbers on the tape, and families and friends can write personal messages
on the tape as a way to show support.

“We’ve been listening closely to our customers and incorporating their feedback
into our product line. Our IM White tape was inspired by an Ironman athlete who
wanted her kids to be able to write messages on her tape. Now when she heads
to Kona, she’ll take a little bit of her friends and family with her,” said Greg van
den Dries, President of ROCKTAPE.

IM Tape should be of special interest to Ironman triathletes. “The World Triathlon
Corporation has recently been trying to sort through the use of compression
socks during Ironman races. If the WTC does decide to ban compression socks
in 2010, IM ROCKTAPE provides an inexpensive compression alternative that
can be written on,” said van den Dries.

ROCKTAPE increases blood flow to muscles and joints, which reduces fatigue
during competition and aids post-race recovery by accelerating the body’s natural
ability to recover and repair itself. ROCKTAPE can be worn for up to five days,
and can be used for

• Runner’s knee (IT band)
• Shoulder separations
• Sore back
• Ankle injuries
• Achilles tendon
• Shin splints
• Planters fasciitas

The ROCKTAPE AR series features:
• Stickier, hypoallergenic adhesive that won’t fall off during competition
• 190% stretch, the same elasticity as skin, to promote full range of motion
• 97% cotton, 3% Nylon 6/12, low moisture absorption
• Tighter weave, which enables muscle to more easily ‘snap back’ to neutral
• Water resistant
• Variety of designs and colors
• 5 meters in each roll, about 1 month supply depending on usage

ROCKTAPE is used by Elite and World Champion athletes worldwide, as well as
chiropractors and sports therapists. Instructional videos and information can be
viewed at



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