Along with the annual buzz around the Super Bowl, one cannot help but marvel at the physical prowess of the competing professional football players. The collisions, the tackles, the sheer intensity of the game—these athletes push their bodies to the limits. In the...
Follow along with Winnipeg RockDoc Tyler Chliboyko from the Wellness Institute for his pre-run mobility session using RockFloss, RockBalls Infinity and RockTape kinesiology tape. Whether you’re new to running, or a regular trailblazer, it’s always...
Welcome to a brand-new year, weekend warriors! As we kick off this year filled with fresh movement aspirations, we know that the road to a stronger, healthier you can sometimes come with its fair share of aches and pains. But fear not, because in this blog post,...
by Brad Norris – Clinical Educator We are always hesitant to use the term “rules” when outlining our RockTape taping philosophy. Rules tend to constrain a clinician or movement professional when in fact, when applying tape, we adhere to a more concept driven model....
Campbell, Calif. – February 15, 2018 – RockTape, the leader in sports medicine products and education, is proud to introduce the RockTape Blister Kit. Produced with the stickiest kinesiology tape in the world, each kit contains 14 pre-cut strips, in three different...