by Stefano Scalia
Rocktape and Pregnancy, your BFF in the third trimester! The third trimester of any pregnancy is often filled with excitement and preparation for the birth and the baby. It is also a common time for a woman to feel the effects of her ever-growing baby on her body....
by Stefano Scalia
Why I use Rocktape in my practice As an RMT in Ontario, in my practice, we are trained and licensed to assess and treat muscle and joint dysfunction and imbalances and pain. In my practice my clients come to me with many different ailments and conditions, they range...
by Stefano Scalia
Le Mohawk c’est quoi? Voici un vidéo de Priscilla Belisle, Chiropraticienne et Ambassadeur Rocktape qui présente le Mohawk, un de nos outils de mobilisation des tissus mous assistée par instruments. Achetez votre Mohawk ICI Plus de Videos sur...
by Stefano Scalia
Les Rockblades c’est quoi? Un super video de notre Ambassadrice Dr. Priscilla Belisle qui vous présente les Rockblades ,un outil de mobilisation des tissus mous assistée par instruments ainsi que une courte révision du contenu de notre formation Rockblades...
by Stefano Scalia
Runner’s with Plantar Fascia Pain what should you do? Here is a video from our Ambassador Ashley Worobec on Plantar Fascia Pain and her Plan to treat it! Get some tape HERE More taping videos HERE